2024 Benefits

Important: This page contains information about what you need to know for open enrollment and changes effective January 1, 2024.

What You Need to Know for 2024

We focus on continuing to provide a competitive health and welfare package to our employees. We encourage you to read through the below important information and evaluate your needs for coverage in 2024.

To learn more: Anthem Plans | Kaiser Plans | Contributions

View a Recorded Webinar

Click the link below to view a recorded webinar.

8×8 Open Enrollment
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Anthem Plans

Medical Plan Updates

We will continue to offer a PPO and PPO with HSA plan for our nationwide plan options. These plans have minimal changes to the plan for the new year.

PPO Plan

  • Deductible increase from $500 individual/$1,500 family to $750 individual/$1,750 family
  • Office visit, specialist visit, urgent care copay increases from $30 to $40

PPO w/ HSA Plan

  • Deductible increase from $1,500 individual/$3,000 family to $1,750 individual/$3,500 family
  • Out-of-pocket maximum increase from $3,000 individual/$6,000 family to to $3,500 individual/$7,000 family

View Plan Designs

We encourage you to review the full plan designs by clicking the plans below.

Pharmacy Plan Updates – Liviniti (formerly Southern Scripts)

Our pharmacy network is not changing but Southern Scripts is re-branding to the name Liviniti. You may already see this name change within communication materials (i.e. vendor website, vendor notifications). A new member ID card will be issued to reflect this re-branding.

You may notice some new protocols as it relates to prior authorization when it comes to certain classes of medications. These authorizations are intended to ensure clinical appropriateness of their intended use.

You may currently have been taking or will be newly prescribed to take a medication that requires your physician to complete an authorization process with Liviniti. This will be managed and coordinated between your physician and Liviniti for review and approval.

Medications impacted include Ozempic, Wegovy, Saxenda, Trulicity, Victoza, Mounjaro, Rybelsus, Nurtec, Emgality, Qulipta, Linzess, Auryxia and Repatha.

Your Prescription Coverage Reminder

Ensure your prescription is processed through Liviniti and not Anthem. Anthem is your provider network not your prescription coverage.

New Member ID Card

As a result of re-branding from Southern Scripts to Liviniti, you will receive a new ID card.

New Health Programs
(for Anthem medical plan participants)

New programs (for Anthem medical plan participants) will be available to employees and their covered dependents to support your well-being needs. These programs include:

Designed to develop a culture of health and create awareness as it relates to early detection and intervention as it relates to cancer. If you or a covered dependent meet the guidelines for the following cancer prevention screenings, you will receive helpful information in the mail and a phone call from a member of the HealthComp team.

  • Breast Cancer
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Colon Cancer

View this PDF to learn more.

A hospital emergency room should be your first choice when facing a life-threatening health crisis. But it may not be your best choice in other less-serious situations. That’s where the HealthComp team can help you. Their expert advisors will see that you get the right care, at the right time, in the right place. They can help you save a lot of money too, since hospital ERs often cost two to three times more than the same care at your doctor’s office.

HealthComp advisors may call you to talk about a recent ER visit. This phone call lets them find out how they might be able to help you. During the call, they will:

  • Find out if you have a primary care physician (PCP)
  • Provide support for any follow-up visits
  • Offer other resources and educational opportunities

By working with HealthComp, you can be confident in choosing the most appropriate options for care – whether it’s a hospital ER, an urgent care center, your doctor’s office or even a telemedicine visit.

Provides you or a covered dependent with access to a licensed registered nurse for conditions that include:

  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  • Diabetes

Why is this program important?

You are provided with routine access to a nurse who will support you with a personalized care plan and educational material relative to you and your well-being needs.

How do you get started?

You may receive an outreach from a nurse practitioner from the HealthComp team to help you with your well-being needs in a personalized manner.

If you would like to connect with a nurse to learn more, you are encouraged to consider a self-referral approach to receive support around your well-being needs. Call 800-442-7247 (Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm) to get started. Click here to view the Disease Management Referral Form.

Kaiser Plans

Medical Plan Updates

We will continue to offer two plan options. In an effort to manage cost of the program effectively, there are plan design changes that will be taking place for both of these plans in 2024.

View Plan Designs

We encourage you to review the full plan designs by clicking the plans below.



There will be a minimal contribution increases on a per pay basis for all plan options and tiers.


We encourage you to review contributions carefully as there are meaningful changes in 2024. 8×8 continues to share a significant portion of these costs.


There will be no contribution changes for 2024.


There will be minimal contribution increases on a per pay basis across all tiers.

Voluntary Life and AD&D

There will be no contribution changes for 2024.

View Contributions

We encourage you to review the contributions by clicking the buttons below.